Ape tue GC Tooth Mousse Plus?
::copied from FB Penjual::
GC Tooth Mousse is a delicious tasting crème that is beneficial for teeth.This products are like using “vitamins” on teeth. It contains calcium and help: 1)protect teeth from decay and make them stronger.(mengelakkan kerosakan gigi anak anda.Sesuai utk dewasa jg)
2)relief for sensitive teeth.
3) prevent white spots during and after orthodontic brackets.(utk anda yg pakai braces,ia mmg perlu)
Sape yang boleh pakai GC Tooth Mousse Plus?
- if you have an acidic oral environment
- if you have active decay in your mouth
- if you have white spot lesions
- if you have sensitive teeth
- if you have erosion or tooth wear
- if you are undertaking tooth whitening procedure
- if you are undertaking orthodontic treatment
- if you suffer from dry mouth
- if you are susceptible to dehydration from sporting activities or outdoor work
- if you are suffering from morning sickness during pregnancy
- if you are at increased risk of decay as a result of medical conditions (e.g. diabetes)
- if you have low saliva flow rate as a result of prescription medications
- if you have an acidic oral environment
- if you have active decay in your mouth
- if you have white spot lesions
- if you have sensitive teeth
- if you have erosion or tooth wear
- if you are undertaking tooth whitening procedure
- if you are undertaking orthodontic treatment
- if you suffer from dry mouth
- if you are susceptible to dehydration from sporting activities or outdoor work
- if you are suffering from morning sickness during pregnancy
- if you are at increased risk of decay as a result of medical conditions (e.g. diabetes)
- if you have low saliva flow rate as a result of prescription medications
Aku beli GC Tooth Mousse Plus?
ihihihih..haah aku cube beli dari penjual untuk masalah gigi Aish, dan aku sgt teruja dgn hasilnya!!! kenape aku ckp mcm tu? ok cite nye mcm nie..aku tak kenal pon penjual nie..and aku tak ingat sape add sape..sbb aku pon dah mule add kaum2 wanita(untuk promo PB), and ade jugak yg request add either utk nak tau pasal PB, or nak promo brg2 jualan mereka..and mule2 aku tgk pasal GC Tooth Mousse nie, aku mcm nak beli ke tak..nak beli ke tak..tapi, aku kan suke nak try2 lah..bagi aku kan, kalau kita tak cuba, kita tak tau keberkesanan produk tue kan? same mcm mase aku beli PB dulu..nak beli ke tak..nak beli ke tak..ihihihih..ok dah tersasar dari tajuk.. :D
so, aku pon contact Naniey tanye2 pasal mende nie, and terus wat payment, and once dapat je terus aku gunekan dkt gigi aish..excited kan? :D ohh yee..nak cite pasal gigi aish plak..actually aish nie bukan lah jenis budak yg suke makan gule2 or jajan2..sbb kitorg memang tak bg pon mende2 ade jugak laa terlepas bagi oleh org2 sekeliling..aku pon bg jugak la makan cekelat2 sikit2 tp gosok gigi, minum air kosong byk, tu memang aku applykan dkt aish kalau aku bg makan cekelat..tu aku tak dpt nak control sgt dah..and die bukan lahh jenis yg makan jajan2 nie..tapi gigi aish nie rosak..yg aku perasan once die dah start minum plak die masih pakai pacifier mase tue..
so, gigi die cam reput2 sikit(dekat gigi depan belah atas) sbb aku bace dari forum disebabkan combination air liur mase hisap puting + gule dalam susu FM..mmm buruk tau gigi aish..bukan laahh tahap gigi hitam kecik2 sian dkt die sbb kecik2 lg gigi dah tak cantek..punye lah mak die jage food intake kan? mmm..
::cube tgk gigi aish sebelum pakai GC Tooth Mousse(alaa tak nampak sgt gigi rosak tue)::
::kalau check gigi aish dah tahap moderate..uhuhuhuh::
ok..GC Tooth Mousse nie ade beberape perise..
::tutti frutti:
aku belikan aish perisa tutti frutti..nak beli mint tapi takut die tak nak sbb mint kan cam sejuk2..die tue ubt gigi budak pon die ckp far aish dah tau dah..kalao lepas mandi, die nak pakai ubat gigi mama..t elok je jd pesakit, aku terpakse la jadi doktor gigi kan...ihihihih..kene letak towel tutup badan, baring elok2 ye pesakit, bukak mulut...t pandai la die biar gigi die kene letak krim nie..and die pon suke sgt dgn krim tue..kejap2 nak ubat gigi mama..uhuuhuhuh,,
so, utk sesiapa yang ada masalah gigi rosak..ohh krim nie ada utk dewasa dan untuk kalau nak tau dengan lebih lanjut, contact2 la ngandung pon boleh pki..ihihihih..
tue je laa..meh tgk gigi aish dah caaannnteeeekkkk...ihihihih...
::nak jd dinosour, gigi 2batang je lebeh::
::ok dah takde sgt coklat2 gigi rosak tu::
::nak jd dinosour, gigi 2batang je lebeh::

caya la..memang berkesan..anak GK kecik lagi gigi pun baru ada sebatang huhuhu
ReplyDeleteGK: alhamdulillah..kita mencuba mane yang terbaik utk anak..alaa comelnye gigi baru sebatang..t dah byk gigi, ngeeriiii..ihihihih..
ReplyDeleteeisya susah betul nak gosok gigi! dia makan2 je ubat gigi n gigit2 berus gigi. grrrrr
ReplyDeleteederq: aku berperang jugak nak suh aish gosok gigi sendiri..aku kene pki berus jari tu..biar die pgg satu berus gigi..then jd laa doktor gigi nak check gigi tu laa..berperang jugak dlm toilet..ahahaha..
ReplyDeletedear, u can contact Naniey utk beli GC ni..i ade wat link FB die dlm my entry tu..ok? :)
ReplyDeletehaah budak2 nie nak kene byk trick nak gosok gigi die..pening gak kadang2..ihihihih..
hi..mana nak beli gc tooth mousse ni
ReplyDeletehai..u boleh bukak link fb naniey..
ReplyDeletesini pun ada jual
ReplyDeleteBoleh dapatkan daripada saya Abd Razak Othman whatsap@telegram 0197235202 Harga istimewa Rm75.00 termasuk bayaran pos sekali
ReplyDeleteKlinik pergigian syarifah ada menjual Gc tooth mousse..boleh beli di klinik kami atau secara online..kami boleh fb kami: klinik pergigian Syarifah (Kemaman & Kuantan) untuk pembelian secara online..boleh whatapp 019-986 4913...beli dgn klinik gigi yang bertauliah untuk mengelakkan product yang ciplak/tak asli.